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Milky Way - Simon Plumley
Mosaic of 36 single images taken with 50mm lens F4 Canon 700d
(NB reduced in size for web)
Totland Bay 2016
Totland Bay Isle of Wight

Horse Head Nebula IC 434 & Flame Nebula NGC2024 - Luke Burton
Taken with Ioptron Skytracker Mount Canon 450d Takumer 200mm Lens

North America Nebula NGC 7000 & Gamma Cygni Nebula IC1318 - Luke Burton
Taken with Ioptron Skytracker Mount Canon 450d Canon 50mm F1.8 lens

North America Nebula NGC 7000 & Gamma Cygni Nebula IC1318 - Luke Burton
Taken with Ioptron Skytracker Mount Canon 450d Canon 50mm F1.8 lens