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Rosette nebula NGC 2237 - Simon Plumley
Canon 700d DSLR APM 107/700 with FR F4.6
RGB colour image reprocessed as Hubble Pallet false colour
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Pleiades M45 - Simon Plumley
Taken with TS80 375mm with FR at F4.25
Canon 700d
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Orion Nebula M42 & Running Man NGC 1975 & Cluster NGC 1981 - Simon Plumley
Taken with Canon 300mm F4L at F4.5
Canon 650d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 - Steve Dean
7 nm Ha and O3 Narrowband Filters
Skywatcher 80mm ED
SBIG2000XM CCD Skywatcher NEQ6 Mount

Seagull Nebula IC 2177 in Monoceros - Simon Plumley
Taken with TS80 with focal reducer at 375mm F4.25
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Rosette Nebula NGC 2237 - Simon Plumley
700d DSLR APM 107/700 with FR F4.6
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Heart Nebula IC 1805 & NGC 896 - Simon Plumley
Taken with APM 107/700 and focal reducer at F4.6 2 image mosaic
Custom cooled Canon 1200d at -20c
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Gamma Cygni Nebuala IC1318 & Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 - Simon Plumley
Sadr Star bottom left
Sigma 70-200mm lens F4
Canon 650d
Totland Bay

Pillars of creation (Eagle Nebula M16) - Simon Plumley
Left image taken with Celestron 11" Edge HD SCT with focal reducer at 2,000mm
Canon 700d Celestron CGEM DX Mount Totland Bay UK
Image processed to mimic colours of the narrowband "Hubble Pallet"
Right hand comparison image from Hubble Space Telescope appx $2 billion cost

Orion Nebula M42 & Running Man Nebula NGC 1975 - Simon Plumley
Taken with APM 107/700 and focal reducer at 560mm F4.6
Canon 650d SLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

North America Nebula NGC 7000 - Simon Plumley
Taken with Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 at F4
Canon 650d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Heart IC 1805 & Soul IC 1848 Nebulae - Simon Plumley
Sigma 70-200mm F2.8 at F4.5
Canon 650d DSLR
Celestron CGEM Mount
Totland Bay

California Nebula NGC 1499 - Simon Plumley
TS80/500 at 375mm with focal reducer at F4.25
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Crab Nebula M1 - Simon Plumley
Taken with Celestron 11" Edge SCT with Focal reducer at F7 2,000mm
Canon 650d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Jelly Fish IC443 & IC $$$ Nebulae Simon Plumley
Taken with APM 107/700 ith focal redcuer at 560mm F4.6
Canon 700d
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Horse Head Nebula IC 434 & Flame Nebula NGC2024 - Simon Plumley
Talen with APM 107/700 using focal reducer at 560,, F4.6
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Flaming Star IC 405 Nebulae in Auriga - Simon Plumley
Taken with APM 107/700 and Riccardi focal reducer at 560mm F4.6
Canon 700d
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Totland Bay

Witch Head Nebula IC 2118 - Simon Plumley
Taken with TS80/500 using focal reducer at 360mm F4.25
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Witch Head Nebula IC 2118 surrounding galaxies - Simon Plumley
Images highlighted taken from previous Witch Head image
Taken with TS80/500 using focal reducer at 360mm F4.25
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Eskimo Planetary Nebula NGC 2392 - Simon Plumley
Taken with Celestron 11" Edge HD SCT with focal reducer at F7 2,000mm
Single frame Canon DSLR 700d
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Dumbell Nebula M27 - Dudley Johnson
10" Skywatcher Newtonian
Atik 9 Position filter wheel Baader LRGB Filters
Atik Monochrome 490EX 9.1 Meg (3.7um)
Bresser 70mm guide scope with QHY5-ll Mono guide cam
50mm Finder with web cam
NEQ6 via Carte du Ciel
Binned 1x1: exp 120s: -10°C: 15 darks: 6 red: 6 green: 5 blue: 6 luminance: LRGB

Gamma Cygni Nebuala IC1318 & Crescent Nebula NGC 6888 - Simon Plumley
Sadr Star in the centre
Wide field 4 single image mosaic with Sigma 70-200mm lens F4
Canon 650d
Totland Bay

Christmas Tree Cluster & Cone Nebulae NGC 2264- Simon Plumley
Taken with TS80/500 using focal reducer at 360mm F4.25
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Cats Eye Planetary nebula in Draco - Simon Plumley
Taken with Celestron 11" Edge HD SCT with Focal reducer F7 2,000mm
Canon 700d DSLR single frame
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Eagle Nebula M16) - Simon Plumley
Taken with Celestron 11" Edge HD SCT with focal reducer at 2,000mm
Canon 700d Celestron CGEM DX Moun
Totland Bay UK

Soul IC 1848 Nebulae - Simon Plumley
Taken with Sigma 70-200 F2.8 at F4
Canon 650d
Celestron CGEM Mount

Soul IC 1848 Nebulae - Simon Plumley
Taken with APM 107/700 with focal reducer at 560mm F4.6 Canon 650d DSLR Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Flaming Star IC 405 and IC 410 Nebulae in Auriga - Simon Plumley
Taken with Canon 300mm F4L at F4.5
Canon 650d DSLR

Hercules Globular Cluster M13 - Simon Plumley
Taken with 11" Edge HD SCT with focal reducer at F7 2,000mm
Canon 650d DSLR

Orion Nebula M42 - Simon Plumley
Taken with 11" Edge HD SCT with focal reducer at F7 2,000mm
Canon 650d DSLR 4 Panel single frame mosaic

Elephants Trink Nebula IC 1396 - Simon Plumley
Taken with Canon 300mm F4L and Canon 650d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount
Garnet Star HR 8316 on left Colour index +2.24 red

Helix Nebula NGC 7293 -Simon Plumley
Taken with 9.25" SCT with F6.3 focal reducer. Canon 650d camera
Celestron CGEM Mount

Spaghetti Nebula Sharpless 2 240 - Simon Plumley
Taken as a test only to see how dim it is and if its a viable longer project. Image comprise 4 images taken with TS80/500 with focal reducer at F4.25 360mm Canon 700d ISO 800
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Rosette Nebula NGC 2237 - Rob Robertson
Taken with ultra low budget guding set up refer to the misc Gallery for more details.
Skywatcher EQ2 custom converted for motorised tracking Canon 1000d DSLR
Meade Polaris 130 shortened by 40mm
Microsft Cinema Web cam as guide camera
Orion 50mm Guide/finder scope
Raspberyy Pi running Lin guider

Pleiades M45 - Rob Robertson
Taken with ultra low budget guding set up refer to the misc Gallery for more details.
Skywatcher EQ2 custom converted for motorised tracking Canon 1000d DSLR
Meade Polaris 130 shortened by 40mm
Microsft Cinema Web cam as guide camera
Orion 50mm Guide/finder scope
Raspberyy Pi running Lin guider

Orion Nebula M42 - Rob Robertson
Taken with ultra low budget guding set up refer to the misc Gallery for more details.
Skywatcher EQ2 custom converted for motorised tracking Canon 1000d DSLR
Meade Polaris 130 shortened by 40mm
Microsft Cinema Web cam as guide camera
Orion 50mm Guide/finder scope
Raspberyy Pi running Lin guider