2025 Monthly Meetings

The meetings are usually held at in the Pavilion adjacent to the Observatory in Watery Lane – there is a map and full address details here.

In addition to our normal club night each Thursday, VAS has monthly meetings, with guest speakers, throughout the year.

These meetings are open to all. No charge is made but a donation to our Society funds would really help.

Monthly meetings are held at 19.30hrs on the fourth Friday of every month except for the August AGM which starts at 19.00hrs, and December when there is no meeting.

Please be aware that details may change. You can check the current details using the Contact Form.

24 JanA History of Women in Astronomy Part 2Mary McIntye

This will be a a Zoom meeting BUT we are also holding it on the large screen at the pavilion so all are welcome to join us
28 FebThe International Space StationKeith Townsend

This will be a a Zoom meeting BUT we are also holding it on the large screen at the pavilion so all are welcome to join us
28 MarThe Astronomy of StonehengeSimon Banton
25 AprHow Old is It?Stephen Tonkin

This will be a a Zoom meeting BUT we are also holding it on the large screen at the pavilion so all are welcome to join us
30 MayHawking's Black Holes and the edge of physicsDr Paul Fellows
27 JunWe are Stardust (How the elements were made)Simon Gardner
27 Jul- Provisional -Dr Sarah Crick
22 AugAGMNo Speaker
26 SepHow to be an exoplanet detectiveDr Jo Barstow

This will be a a Zoom meeting BUT we are also holding it on the large screen at the pavilion so all are welcome to join us

Registered Charity Number: 1046091