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M51 Whirlpool - Steve Dean
Skywatcher 80mm ED
Altair LRGB filters Skywatcher NEQ6 Mount

M51 - Dudley Johnson
10" Skywatcher Newtonian
Atik 9 Position filter wheel Baader LRGB Filters
Atik Monochrome 490EX 9.1 Meg (3.7um)
Bresser 70mm guide scope with QHY5-ll Mono guide cam
50mm Finder with web cam
NEQ6 via Carte du Ciel
Binned 2 EXP each of RGB x8 Lum x10 Darks 241 secs -20c

M101 - Dudley Johnson
10" Skywatcher Newtonian
Atik 9 Position filter wheel Baader LRGB Filters
Skywatcher light Poll filter
Atik Monochrome 490EX 9.1 Meg (3.7um)
Bresser 70mm guide scope with QHY5-ll Mono guide cam
50mm Finder with web cam
NEQ6 via Carte du Ciel
Binned 600secs -15c x9 Dark, 2 R , 3 G, 3 B, 2 Lum

M81 Bodes Galaxy - Simon Plumley
Celestron 11" HD SCT with F7 Focal Reducer 2,000mm
Canon 700d Astro Modified
Totland Bay 2015

M82 Cigar Galaxy - Simon Plumley
Celestron 11" HD SCT with F7 Focal Reducer 2,000mm
Canon 700d Astro Modified
Totland Bay 2016

M106 and NGC4248 - Simon Plumley
Celestron 11" HD SCT with F7 Focal Reducer 2,000mm
Canon 700d Astro Modified
Totland Bay 2016

M33 Pinwheel Galaxy - Simon Plumley
Celestron 11" HD SCT with F7 Focal Reducer 2,000mm
Canon 700d Astro Modified
Totalnd Bay 2016

Witch Head Nebula IC 2118 surrounding galaxies - Simon Plumley
Images highlighted taken from previous Witch Head image
Taken with TS80/500 using focal reducer at 360mm F4.25
Canon 700d DSLR
Celestron CGEM DX Mount

Whirlpool M51 - Simon Plumley
Celestron 11" EDGE HD SCT with F7 Focal Reducer 2,000mm Celestron CGEM DX Mount

NGC 3718, 3729 and Hickson 56 Cluster - Simon Plumley
Taken with 11" Edge SCT with F7 Focal redcuer at 2,000mm Celestron CGEM DX Mount
NGC 3718 is 52 Million Light Years away
NGC 3729 is only 150,000 light years from NGC 3718
The 5 galaxies below are the Hickson 56 group appx 400 million light years away. Making up PGC 35609 , UGC 6527A , UGC 6527B , PGC 35631